The Tas’heel System offers a comprehensive range of online services that encompass the entire spectrum of application processes related to the Ministry of Labor (MOL) and beyond. The categorization of these services within the system is organized in a manner that aligns with their presentation on the Tas’heel platform itself. To facilitate a deeper understanding of the available services, detailed descriptions have been developed, accompanied by helpful tips and notes tailored to each specific category. This approach aims to provide users with a thorough grasp of the offerings, enabling them to navigate and leverage the system effectively.

Tasheel Transaction

Here are the Tasheel related transactions.

Applying for New Labor or Mission Cards: This application is for obtaining a Labor Card or Mission Card for the first time. Eligibility requires possession of a Labor Contract and Medical Fitness test. Access this service with the Transaction Number.

For a new Labor card, it must be submitted via TASHEEL within 60 days of entry to avoid penalties by the Ministry of Labor. Mission Work permits are valid for 3 months and should be submitted within 1 week of entry to avoid a fine of 500 AED for every 10-day delay.

Modifying or Replacing Labor Cards: This application is for modifying employee details like nationality, salary, or occupation, or replacing lost Labor Cards.

  • For modifications, provide a letter from the company along with old and new contracts.
  • For lost cards, include a police report stating the loss.

National New Labor Card Application: For UAE Nationals applying for a Labor Card for the first time, requiring a Labor Contract and Medical Fitness test. Access this service with the Transaction Number.

Sponsorship Transfer: Used when transferring sponsorship due to a job change. Include cancellation signed by both parties and new contracts. Access this service with the Transaction Number.

Note: After scanning the application correctly, the PRO must submit:

  • TASHEEL System receipt.
  • Original cancellation signed by both parties.
  • Computer card from the old company.
  • Two copies of the contract from the application.

Company License Renewal: This application is used to renew a Company Trade License. This service can be accessed using the Company Code and License Number.

Relative Sponsor Work Permit: This application is used when a sponsored relative (wife/family members) is seeking a work permit and is required to provide no objection documents from the sponsor in order to proceed with the application. This service can be accessed using the Transaction Number.

NOTE: The following must be verified before entering the application into the system, otherwise the application will be rejected:

  1. The passport of the sponsored relative as well as the sponsor must be valid for at least 6 months
  2. The residency of the sponsored relative as well as the sponsor must be valid for at least 1 month
  3. The age of the sponsored relative seeking a work permit must be at least 21 years of age

Modify Work Permit: This application is used to amend information in the work permit such as name, nationality, passport number, etc. This service can be accessed using the Transaction Number.

Replacement of Work Permit: This application is used by the employing company who decides to replace a current employee on a valid work permit with a new employee using the same work permit without incurring additional or new charges. A work permit is valid for 60 days and can be extended for a maximum of 30 additional days. The replacement process can take place only if the work permit is valid. This service can be accessed using the Transaction Number.

Create Temporary Work Permit: This is for a person who holds a residence visa at another company or family sponsorship. It will be valid for 6 months after getting the approval from the Ministry of Labor. The cause of this application will depend upon the category of the company.</

Nawakas Scanning Documents: Nawakas means 'missing' & this application refers to missing one (1) or more documents from the requirements submitted for Labor Card & Work Permit applications. This service can be accessed using the Transaction Number.

Cancel New Labor Application: This application is used when employee information is entered incorrectly in the Labor Contract Application & requires rectification. The incorrect application must be canceled using this service after which the system will require an hour to update itself. Once this is done, a New Labor application must be entered and submitted. This service can be accessed using the Transaction Number.

Online Cancellation: This application is used when an employer seeks to cancel the labor card & contract of an employee (who no longer reports to the employer). The cancellation can be signed electronically or manually depending on whether the company has an electronic signature. Signatures that are manually applied tend to get processed more efficiently & take less time. This service can be accessed using the Transaction Number.

Salary Certificate: This application is used when the Ministry of Labor requests a salary certificate of a specific employee from a company.

  1. Company Employee List: This report produces a brief list with the number of employees currently registered under any company in the UAE. The information generated includes key details pertaining to each employee, such as passport number, Labor card number, and expiry date. The Company Employee List can be accessed using the company code.
  2. Expired Labor Card List: This report generates a list of only the expired Labor Cards under a given company along with the employee’s basic information. These Labor Cards can either be canceled or renewed depending on the status of the employee. The expired Labor Card List can be accessed using the company code.
  3. National List: This report produces a brief list with the number of national employees currently registered under any company in the UAE. The information generated includes key details pertaining to each employee, such as person number, Labor card number, issue date, expiry date, and salary. The Company Employee List can be accessed using the company code.
  4. Person Information: This report generates basic information pertaining to a single employee and can be accessed by entering the person code.
  5. Owner Role Information: This report generates information about the owner/sponsor of the company, providing a full list of the different trade licenses registered under the owner/sponsor along with their expiry dates, status, etc. This service can be accessed by entering the person number.
  6. PRO Details: This report generates basic information about the PRO.
  7. Labor Card Information: This report generates basic information as well as detailed labor card information about an employee. This service can be accessed by entering the labor card number.

Transaction Reports

Tas’heel System provides comprehensive online reports, here is the list of below.

Reprint Batch

This option is available in case the system does not allow you to print the batches when they were prepared or if you would like make another copy of the batches. The prepared batches are immediately saved under this option and can identified through the Transaction Number.

This is the process of preparing all the documents in batches and sending them to your Tas’Heel agent to process the transactions and enter them into the system.

Prepare Batch

Other Services

Tas’heel System provides some common services, here is the list of below.

  1. Reprint: This option allows you to reprint the receipt of a given transaction in case the system did not allow you to print the receipt when the transaction was finalized or if you require an additional copy.
  2. View Statement: This option generates a statement of all the transactions that were made and it allows you to select the dates of the transactions to be viewed.
  3. Pending Transactions: This option lists all the transactions that are still pending on your end. The system gives you 10 days to complete the transaction after which the system gets locked.
  4. Pending Payments: This option allows you to view the incomplete transactions due to pending payment. If the payment is not finalized, then no additional transactions can be made.